James A. Moore

 James A. Moore 's Books

A very well recieved series by James A. Moore are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Predator, Gates of the Dead, Avengers, Under the Overtree, SNAFU: Hunters, The Seven Forges Novels, Subject Seven, Seven Forges, City of Wonders, Home for the Holidays: A Short Story, This is Halloween, Harvest Moon, Blind Shadows, Discarded Blessings, Fallen Gods, The Walker Place: A Short Story, The Blasted Lands, SNAFU: Wolves at the Door: An Anthology of Military Horror, Cherry Hill, Subject Seven ss-1, Smile No More, The Last Sacrifice, Sea of Sorrows, Blind Shadows: A Griffin & Price Novel, The Predator, Fireworks, THE PREDATOR HUNTERS AND HUNTED, which was published in 2022.